Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Valentine's Day Give Away

We have got a 6 pack of yummy cupcakes (you choose the flavour!) from Cupcake CreatioNZ to give away.

To go in the draw to win some yummy cupcakes, leave a comment below telling me your most romantic story that either happened to you or you did for someone special.

All orders that have "Enter me in the Valentine's Day Give Away" in the comments box will receive an extra entry.

Please make sure you have read, understood and follow the terms and conditions of entry first!

Terms and Conditions of Entry:
  • Due to the cupcakes being fresh food we cannot send outside of Auckland* unless you can arrange someone to pick up on your behalf.  *Auckland region up to Wellsford and down to Waiuku.
  • Give Away ends on the 10th February 4pm.
  • Delivery on the 13th February.  
  • Winner will be contacted directly by Cupcake CreatioNZ.
  • You must be a liker of the Scamps Boutique Facebook page as winner will be announced on our page after 4pm on the 10th February .
  • Your blog comment must contain your name - any entries received by "Anonymous" will not be entered into the draw.


  1. Enter me in the Valentine's Day Give Away

    my most romantic story is that my partner proposed to me on xmas day no one knew apart from my daughters, was such a nice xmas :-)
    this will be our first valentines day being engaged

  2. Enter me in the Valentine's Day Give Away

    my most romantic story is that my partner proposed to me on xmas day no one knew apart from my daughters, was such a nice xmas :-)
    this will be our first valentines day being engaged

  3. Hmmm Romantic .... my hubby is not much of a romantic lol i mean he proppsed but giving my the car key while over looking the "heads" in Whakatake on a wet windy day and told me to open the glove box inside was a black gloss bag with a ring box inside ... Granted he got me the ring i'd mentioned i liked when in a jewellery store haha.... i love him to bits but he so is not romantic :P

  4. err haha my name is Jasmene Waalwijk

  5. Hubby was serving in Afghanistan and I was living in the UK.

    In the lead up to Valentines I had cut up a photo of us together into puzzle shaped pieces, every few days I would post him a piece of the puzzle. The back of the puzzle had a saucy note on it ; )

    Then for the final Valentines gift hubby received the final piece of puzzle along with a giant container filled with heart shaped cookies iced with "I love you" baked by me.

    I put in a few extra's for the single guys in the troop. :)

    And nearly 6 years ago, our 1st baby was born on Valentines. So Valentines is extra special for us.

  6. It's mostly about the little everyday romantic things that my husband does for me :-) Things like walking with me to work every now and then or buying me bubble bath. I love it when he does sweet, thoughtful things like that!

  7. Valentines Day for so many years meant nothing to me until my current partner Mark came along.
    Our first valentines together he bought me a jigsaw puzzle which to most might not sound romantic but I'm not a flowers & chocolate kind of gal and he knew that.
    By getting the puzzle we spent the next 2-3 nights putting the puzzle together and it was nice time together

    I'm not in Auckland but I have someone up there (a great friend) that I would love to see these go to

  8. My hubby was my first real crush! When I was about 7 I got real upset cos my siblings were teasing me for liking Michael, but mum said I was allowed to like Michael, He's a nice boy... so when he proposed I called mum up and asked if I could hold her to that! Also our first kiss was on our wedding day! I don't know if most people would think it's romantic, but I sure do!

  9. Bit of a different theme to the others but for me it would have to be when my partner and I first got together, I have quite low self esteem and he realized this .... so he told me he would tell me I was beautiful everyday until I believed him ... and he did! Would love to win these cupcakes as we are going to stay in a Motel on Valentines day (my first break away from the kids in a loooong time :)) and these would be awesome to take with us!

  10. The most romantic thing I think anyone has done for me is what my husband did for me after my sleepless nights and days when my daughter was teething. He came home from work and took over everything. He ran me a bath and gave me a massage. He also made dinner and gave it to me in bed. All this time he time he looked after our daughter, only bringing her in for feeds. He then got up to her during the night and let me sleep in the next morning. I got my much needed sleep and he got to spend quality daddy-daughter time.

  11. Enter me in the Valentine's Day Give Away

    The most romantic thing my Husband has done for me would be on Valentines 2009 (before children :-)

    I was told we were going to dinner and though I wasn't feeling 100% that day I wanted to make the most of it. I was given a glass of champagne and told to go get ready and to take my time (I'd never heard that before and haven't heard it since!!) I shut myself in my room and spent ages lounging around, choosing an outfit and doing my hair & makeup. After about an hour I yelled out that I would be ready shortly and 5 mins later I heard a knock at our front door. I went to answer it and there was my Husband at the door with a bunch of roses and told me he was here to pick me up for our date.

    We locked up and I headed to the car but I was taken by the hand around the back of our house - I wasn't sure what the heck was going on but went with it. On our back door was a sign saying - I love you, please come in. I was lead up the stairs through our house and up to the lounge door. When I opened the door the whole lounge was lit with candles, there must have been maybe 50-60 of them and the carpet covered in rose petals. The furniture had been moved and in the middle of the room was a picnic blanket, champagne, chocolates and our entree. I was treated to a fantastic 'picnic' and had a fabulous dinner made for me (he had even made menus for the table) and dessert and the best part - I didn't even have to leave home!

    This would be a lovely treat for my Husband as I never got to return the favour!

    Emma M

  12. Sorry, not sure how to change my name on there but the above is from Emma Murphy :-)

  13. Enter me in the Valentine's Day Give Away

    The most romantic thing I've done was for my partner when he went away for two weeks on a course. I made him a special box containing all his favourite goodies, lots of russian fudge bars, photos of us together and I made him a card to open each day, just reminding him how much I love him and miss him!

  14. THe most romantic thing done for me is a kiss goodbye before my partner leaves for work each day and an I love you each night. All the small things are wonderful too but I'm quite happy with just those two things!

    Sarah Nelson


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