Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Canterbury Quake Care Packages

I'm a Canterbury girl born and bred, my roots, my family are all in Canterbury.  I'm devastated by the events in Christchurch.  The hardest thing about living in Waiuku and being so far away from everyone is the feeling of helplessness. I wanted to help but what on earth could I do?  While being glued to the news coverage Tuesday afternoon, I realised there was something I could do....put together a couple of care packages for those families who need.  Except in the space of the turn it has grown much more than 'a couple of care packages!'.
We have been doing most of the organising and spreading the word via facebook, but I thought it would be helpful to have the information with all the links in one place so it isn't so confusing.

My Aim/Mission: Supporting families who cannot get access to what they need for their families well being after being affected by the Canterbury Earthquake 22/2/11

We are looking for donations of: disposable nappies (in all sizes), disposable wipes, unopened tins of formula (all types), unopened jars/sachets of baby food, aqua tabs for drinking water.

We are not looking for donations of: blankets, bedding, household items.

We will not accepted rubbish, junk or items that are opened (unless nappies), ripped, stained or clothes full of holes.

We have 11 collection points around the country.  Click here to find your nearest collection point.

We are not working with any agencies such as Red Cross or Salvation Army - we are allowing them to better use their resources else where. We are going direct to families in need.

Please do not rely on our care packages as urgent or emergency supplies - we cannot deliver until our courier company can make it through.

If you would like a care package, please email us to and request one - telling us what you require in terms of sizing and ages of children.  We cannot guarantee you will receive what you have requested but we will do our best to get as close to that as possible.

I will be updating this post to give thanks to the businesses and people who have supported us.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Louise xx


  • We are now working with Urgent Couriers who have kindly donated their services to ensure we can deliver our packages direct to the families!
  • We have even more collections points which have been added to the list - please see the list above.
  • At this stage we have no cut off time for donations being dropped off - any announcement will be made via our facebook page.
  • A big thank you to Made4Baby and Ginger Pye Sandwich Wraps who have all donated product for our care packages.

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